A comprehensive study examines the attitudes of Jews in Israel regarding the question “Who is a Jew?”
The following table shows the breakdown of the study participants, the data on whom was weighted in this report (2500 Israelis, Jews by self-definition), divided into sectors by degree of religiosity per Central Bureau of Statistics data. Because the survey contained many questions in two main sections, we included data on those who completed all of the survey questions, and on those who completed the first section only.
Those who registered with THEMADAD.COM, a group that includes all of the “Who is a Jew” questionnaire respondents, number twenty thousand Israelis. As we can see from the following comparison of the first ten thousand registrants with the data from the Jewish People Policy Institute’s Israeli Judaism study, this broad panel of registrants does not accurately represent the sectoral breakdown of Israeli Jewish society (in this case, the breakdown is into 7 sectors), and leans significantly toward the secular end of the spectrum. The results thus entail processing and adjustment (performed by Professor Camil Fuchs). However, the large number of registrants and participants makes it possible to obtain a satisfactory sample of respondents from each sector.