
Toward a Thin Constitution Anchoring Israeli Governance

The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) aims to prepare a detailed proposal for a Thin constitution. For this purpose, two working groups have been established: one group includes professionals whose role is to propose the constitutional arrangements; this is known as the “Research Group.” Alongside it is a second group – the “Thin Constitution Council” (Advisory Committee) – which serves the Research Group in an advisory capacity; its composition reflects all sectors of Israeli society. If we are successful, the State of Israel will enjoy a stable institutional system and regime.

Toward a Thin Constitution Anchoring Israeli Governance

Professor in the Faculty of Law at Bar-Ilan University, and a former Dean. Founder of the Menomadin Center for Jewish and Democratic Law at Bar-Ilan, and founded and heads the Israeli Congress for Judaism and Democracy. In the past he was a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) and one of the leaders of IDI’s Human Rights and Judaism program; he also participated in its Constitution by Consent project. He served as a visiting professor of law at Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Siena in Tuscany, Yeshiva University and Emory University in Atlanta. His areas of specialization are contract law, family and inheritance law, and building consensus in a Jewish and democratic state. Prof. Lifshitz frequently serves as a special adviser to the Ministry of Justice.
