Toward a Thin Constitution Anchoring Israeli Governance

The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) aims to prepare a detailed proposal for a Thin constitution. For this purpose, two working groups have been established: one group includes professionals whose role is to propose the constitutional arrangements; this is known as the “Research Group.” Alongside it is a second group – the “Thin Constitution Council” (Advisory Committee) – which serves the Research Group in an advisory capacity; its composition reflects all sectors of Israeli society. If we are successful, the State of Israel will enjoy a stable institutional system and regime.
Toward a Thin Constitution Anchoring Israeli Governance

Toward a Thin Constitution Anchoring Israeli Governance

Senior Fellow at JPPI and senior lecturer in law at Ono Academic College. Expert in constitutional law and property law and conducts research on Haredi society. His book Black, Blue, and White (2014) is a guide for the perplexed to understanding Haredi society in Israel. Until recently he managed the Haredi campuses at Ono Academic College, where thousands of ultra-Orthodox men and women students study. Zicherman heads the professional team drawing up the Civics Studies curriculum for all Israeli high school students.
