Annual Assessments

2019 Annual Assessment

Global Trends and Policy Recommendations
Integrated Anti-Semitism Index: Europe and the US
Special Chapters: Jewish Creativity and Cultural Outputs


Shmuel Rosner


Avinoam Bar-Yosef, Dan Feferman, Shlomo Fischer Avi Gil, Inbal Hakman, Michael Herzog, Dov Maimon, Gitit Paz-Levi, Steven Popper, Uzi Rebhun, John Ruskay, Noah Slepkov, Adar Schiber, Rami Tal, Shalom Salomon Wald


Barry Geltman

2019 Annual Assessment

2019 Annual Assessment

Last year (2018), 28,099 people immigrated to Israel, an increase over 2017 (26,357) (Graph 3). The uptick in Aliyah has carried into 2019 as well: during the first four months of the year (January-April), 9,153 olim arrived in Israel, compared with 7,447 for the comparable period last year.5 Slightly more than half (51 percent) of the olim who arrived in 2018 were not Jewish according to Halacha, but met other Law of Return criteria.6
