Annual Assessments

2019 Annual Assessment

Global Trends and Policy Recommendations
Integrated Anti-Semitism Index: Europe and the US
Special Chapters: Jewish Creativity and Cultural Outputs


Shmuel Rosner


Avinoam Bar-Yosef, Dan Feferman, Shlomo Fischer Avi Gil, Inbal Hakman, Michael Herzog, Dov Maimon, Gitit Paz-Levi, Steven Popper, Uzi Rebhun, John Ruskay, Noah Slepkov, Adar Schiber, Rami Tal, Shalom Salomon Wald


Barry Geltman

2019 Annual Assessment

2019 Annual Assessment

The rate of anti-Semitic incidents in North America is significantly lower than in Europe or the Arab world. However, recently, American Jews have been voicing concerns of rising anti-Semitism, mostly among radical groups on the right. The prominence and acceptance of Jews in the American political and cultural elites has no parallel in modern Jewish history.19 Despite this, there is concern over a “slippery slope” and a reversion to previous eras (until the 1950s and 1960s), in which discrimination of Jews, and anti-Jewish expressions were more common.
