Annual Assessments

2019 Annual Assessment

Global Trends and Policy Recommendations
Integrated Anti-Semitism Index: Europe and the US
Special Chapters: Jewish Creativity and Cultural Outputs


Shmuel Rosner


Avinoam Bar-Yosef, Dan Feferman, Shlomo Fischer Avi Gil, Inbal Hakman, Michael Herzog, Dov Maimon, Gitit Paz-Levi, Steven Popper, Uzi Rebhun, John Ruskay, Noah Slepkov, Adar Schiber, Rami Tal, Shalom Salomon Wald


Barry Geltman

2019 Annual Assessment

2019 Annual Assessment

  • Lab/Shul, The Kitchen, Mishkan and Ikar among the JEN communities.

  • The Riverway Project, ATID, The Porch and Tribe among successful young adult projects within established denominational synagogues.
  • Hadar and the independent minyan movement.
  • Svara, a “traditional radical” Talmudic Yeshiva centered around the LGBTQ experience.
  • Hazon, focusing on Jewish environmental sustainability.
  • Moishe House, a network of home-based and lay-led Jewish communal initiatives throughout the world.