Annual Assessments

2019 Annual Assessment

Global Trends and Policy Recommendations
Integrated Anti-Semitism Index: Europe and the US
Special Chapters: Jewish Creativity and Cultural Outputs


Shmuel Rosner


Avinoam Bar-Yosef, Dan Feferman, Shlomo Fischer Avi Gil, Inbal Hakman, Michael Herzog, Dov Maimon, Gitit Paz-Levi, Steven Popper, Uzi Rebhun, John Ruskay, Noah Slepkov, Adar Schiber, Rami Tal, Shalom Salomon Wald


Barry Geltman

2019 Annual Assessment

2019 Annual Assessment

A. Gather and review existing information from a variety of sources, including governmental sources.

B. Define guidelines, principles, and criteria for formulating positions on the core issues outlined above.

C. Conduct in-depth conversations and interviews – based on a set of focused questions pertaining to each of the core issues – with prominent representatives of the various sectors, streams,
and main approaches (the religious streams spanning from Haredi to Reform; the government; alternative organizations (e.g. Tzohar), the Jewish Agency; Diaspora Jewry; public figures and
intellectuals, and more), so as to gain familiarity with a wide array of opinions and arguments. The project directors, who have begun their work, have already met with the Chief Ashkenazi
Rabbi of Israel and heard his positions on the role of the Rabbinate, whose status has declined in the eyes of many Israeli subgroups despite new trends of openness to tradition.

D. Upon completion of these conversations and interviews, and on the basis of the guidelines defined by the project’s directors, conclusions will be formulated and the final policy paper
written. The paper will contain an analysis and policy recommendations, and will propose an appropriate mechanism for advancing and implementing the recommendations.

E. Before the report and recommendations are published, the project heads will meet discreetly with relevant figures in the Israeli government and the Diaspora, to discuss the conclusions and
recommendations and their chances for, and mode of, implementation.
