
Shifting Trends in the West and their Impact on Israel and the Jewish People

JPPI’s 2017 Conference on the Future of the Jewish People will explore the social, political, economic, and ideological shifts taking place in the Western world that could influence the future of the Jewish people. The conference seeks to identify key trends and gauge their possible ramifications. A special emphasis will be placed on developing recommendations for policy measures that can help mitigate negative trends and leverage new opportunities.

To assist in framing conference discussions, JPPI prepared this preliminary background paper which defines and describes the nature of the changes taking place in the West, as well as potential ways they may influence the future of Israel and the Jewish people. (We should point out that the possible avenues of influence may sometimes be contradictory, and the question of their becoming a reality is surrounded by the same uncertainty that defines much of the world order today.) As developments taking place in Israel itself affect the Western world’s approach to Israel and the Jewish people, we have included a section (Part 2) that points to a number of relevant trends in Israel.

Shifting Trends in the West and their Impact on Israel and the Jewish People