American Foreign Affairs

The downside of Blinken’s encouraging confirmation hearing – opinion

Blinken’s remarks on the Israeli-Palestinian issue are cause for concern.
The downside of Blinken’s encouraging confirmation hearing – opinion

New Subjects in the Field

Opinion Articles

Biden Middle East Trip: Where National Polarization Meets Party Polarization

Bipartisan congressional support for Israel is eroding and being replaced by political barbs that use Israel a weapon to score political points.
Opinion Articles
Opinion Articles

US Ponders Agonizing Handshake in Saudi Arabia It Wants to Avoid

Biden’s expected visit to Saudi Arabia shows that even a great power cannot be guided by moral considerations alone. How is Israel struggling with this dilemma?
Opinion Articles
Opinion Articles

Should Israel be apprehensive following the US abandonment of Afghanistan?

Following the recent round of fighting between Israel and Hamas, Harvard Prof. Stephen Walt penned an article entitled: “It’s Time to End the ‘Special Relationship’ With Israel.”
Opinion Articles

The Strategic Triangle: Jerusalem-Washington-American Jewry

Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, 21st IDF Chief of Staff and Amb. Dennis Ross, Co-Chair of the Jewish People Policy Institute, discuss ‘the Strategic Triangle: Jerusalem-Washington-American Jewry’ at the Jewish People Policy Institute in Jerusalem. The event was conducted in Hebrew and English, this video has English subtitles.
Opinion Articles

Memories of an Anti-Semitic State Department

This article was originally published by the New York Times The former C.I.A. officer Valerie Plame Wilson made news with her Twitter account last week when, on the first day of Rosh Hashana, she shared an article that said, “America’s Jews are driving America’s wars: Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?” The article, which appeared on…
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2017 Conference on Shifting Trends

Closing Remarks at the 2017 Conference on the Future of the Jewish People

Closing remarks and summary of the Jewish People Policy Institute’s (JPPI) 2017 Conference on the Future of the Jewish People, “Shifting Trends in the West and their Impact on the Future of the Jewish People”. Summation given by Ambs. Dennis Ross and Stuart Eizenstat, co-chairs of the JPPI board. Final remarks given by Avinoam Bar-Yosef, founding director and president of JPP.
2017 Conference on Shifting Trends

Amb. Dennis Ross – Foreign Policy Challenges Facing Trump Administration

Ambassador Dennis Ross, Co-Chair of the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) Board of Directors and veteran US Diplomat, discussing the foreign policy challenges facing US President Donald Trump and his incoming administration. Amb. Ross is introduced by Avinoam Bar-Yosef, President and Founding Director of JPPI.  

Elliott Abrams – Foreign Policy Implications of 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

Elliott Abrams, Former Deputy National Security Advisor at the NSC, speaking at the Jewish People Policy Institute in Jerusalem about the foreign policy implications of the 2016 US presidential election. Former Israeli Ambassador to Washington, Sallai Meridor, responds with an Israeli perspective.