Israel-China Relations

Hello, has anyone noticed China’s pivot against Israel?

President Xi rebuked Israel in a statement co-signed by Iran’s president. That has never happened before
Hello, has anyone noticed China’s pivot against Israel?

New Subjects in the Field

Opinion Articles

Yes, Bibi should go to Beijing. In fact, he must

China has taken major strides into the Mideast arena, and the Prime Minister needs to go and make Israel’s case
Opinion Articles
Opinion Articles

The Price Israel Has to Pay for the China-America Conflict Is Rising

America should not cause China and Israel to become enemies. this would not be in America’s own national interest.
Opinion Articles

China, the American Challenge and the Implications for Israel and the Jewish People

The US vs China: Confrontation Continues in 2021
Strategy and Geography

China, the American Challenge and the Implications for Israel and the Jewish People

The US vs China: Confrontation Continues in 2021
Strategy and Geography
Opinion Articles

Must Israel ‘support Washington to face down Beijing?’ – analysis

A 2019 Rand Corporation Study reviewed Israel-China relations from the perspective of the American national interest.
Opinion Articles
Policy Challenges

The Global Positions of China and the US, Before and After the Coronavirus Crisis

A Jewish People Policy Institute webinar about the “Global Positions of China and the US Before and After the Coronavirus Crisis” with JPPI Senior Fellows Brig.
Policy Challenges
Policy Papers

China’s Rise, US Opposition and the Implications for Israel

Policy Papers

China, Israel, and the United States: Triangular Pressures

On December 31, 2018, JPPI Senior Fellow Dr. Shalom Wald discussed China – Israel relations, and their implications for US – Israel relations, in light of recent tensions between Washington and Beijing.

Policy Paper: China and the Jewish People

The publication of the strategy report China and the Jewish People by the JPPPI in November 2004 (English) and March 2005 (Hebrew),has stimulated considerable interest particularly in the Diaspora but also in China.