2011-2012 Annual Assessment
Annual Assessments

2011-2012 Annual Assessment

The 2011-12 Assessment offers a clear framework for judging the “State of the Jewish People. In what areas are world Jewry and Israel thriving? Where are they “maintaining” or holding at current levels?  And where are they declining.

Using five key dimensions—geopolitical developments; demography; identity formation and expression; intra- and inter-community bonds; and material resources—the Assessment analyzes the state of world Jewry.  In an important innovation, its new “Dashboard” of indicators compares the state of the Jewish People over time, using these key dimensions and evaluating the state of each in 1945, 1970, 1999, and 2011.

As in the past, the Assessment also makes specific and thought-provoking recommendations that offer a guide to action for decision makers  on the direction of world Jewry and on steps that can foster its well-being.

Click here to read the full Annual Assessment 2011-2012