Arevut, Responsibility and Partnership

Arevut, Responsibility and Partnership

This report is a pioneering attempt to chart some policy guidelines for the involvement of the State of Israel in addressing the challenge of Jewish continuity.

By implementing these policies, the State of Israel can fulfill its historical role of securing the future of the Jewish people and become involved in strengthening the fabric of Jewish life in the Diaspora in  ways that builds mutual partnership with world Jewry jointly to share Jewish fate, destiny and mission.

The assumption of responsibility by the State of Israel, its involvement and participation in coping with the challenge of continuity, will enhance its position, centrality and influence among the Jewish people as a whole. A serious and smart investment in deepening Jewish identity and connections to Israel among the younger generation will bear fruit – in body and spirit – for the benefit of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.

To read the full paper: Arevut, Responsibility and Partnership