If the Declaration of Independence Falls, Israeli Unity Will Fall Too This last bastion of consensus is under attack. If it succeeds, there will no longer be any text around which the State of Israel and Israeli society can unite.
Israeli settlers, ultra-Orthodox will pay for trampling over Israel If they don’t rethink a new course, they will find themselves facing a majority that will stop supporting their continued prosperity, and perhaps their very existence.
Freedom of speech at risk for haredi critics A possible result is that the criticism will become even more incendiary, rather than softened or silenced entirely.
Do not give up on Judaism: It’s what makes Zionism profound The liberal camp must fight for Israel’s Jewishness, or the Haredim will hobble the country with their version of Judaism.
New proposed draft exemption framework for haredim endangers Israel Israel’s politicians once again prefer to acquiesce to the haredim, this time with support from the IDF and the Finance Ministry, which wants rapid growth.
Judicial revolution endangers settlement enterprise The voices in the world calling on Israel to halt the proposed judicial reform are not asking Israel to refrain from rectifying or adjusting the current balance of power
The unhealthy law against chametz in hospitals There’s one thing such a law most likely won’t do, and that’s keeping chametz from being brought into hospitals
The Religion and Law Wars endanger us A long line of cases have left it to the court to decide matters that are essentially social-ideological. This is harmful to the state