MASORTIM AND MASORTIYUT IN ISRAEL FOREWORD INTRODUCTION PART 1 – MASORTIYUT IN ISRAEL: QUANTITATIVE, SOCIAL, AND ETHICAL ASPECTS SECTION 1: WHO IS MASORTI? Quantitative aspects Social aspects Political affiliation Interim summing-up Section 2: What do the Masortim think? Ethical aspects Jewish and democratic Israeli’s democratic values in Masorti eyes Religion and state issues Addendum: Pluralism, shared spaces, attitudes toward the Diaspora, and political views Conclusion: The glue of Israeli society MASORTI DISCOURSES Introduction Section A: Three Masorti discourses The victory of secularization and the collapse of secularism Secularism and Israeli Masortiyut The three wellsprings of contemporary Masortiyut and their characterization Section B: Features common to the various Masorti discourses Porous identity Loyalty to tradition Autonomy and interpretation Moderate Jewish nationalism Section C: Different approaches within the same space The roots of Israeli Masortiyut and the continuity question The boundaries of Jewish heritage AFTERWORDS: MASORTIYUT AND STRENGTHENING OF SHARED SOCIETY IN ISRAEL ENDNOTES Identity MASORTIM AND MASORTIYUT IN ISRAEL 11/06/2023 WORLDVIEWS, DISCOURSE, AND CULTURAL TRENDS Gabriel Abensour Next