The Jewish People Policy Institute held a conference to launch the book 75 Faces of the Jewish State, which includes 75 thoughtful essays on the question of what constitutes a Jewish state.
The Hebrew edition of the book was published (Yedioth Books) on the eve of Israel’s 75th Independence Day.
At a conference held by the Jewish People Policy Institute said the president: “I hope and believe that we will soon succeed in reaching a defining constitutional moment”.
At a conference held by the Jewish People Policy Institute to launch the book 75 Faces of the Jewish State, which includes 75 thoughtful essays on the question of what constitutes a Jewish state.
The Hebrew edition of the book was published (Yedioth Books) on the eve of Israel’s 75th Independence Day; the English edition will follow in short order. President Herzog, who wrote the book’s introduction, said in the speech he delivered at the conference, “These days there is deep and incisive discourse about our shared values.
These are complex times for Israeli society, but at the same time, in the negotiating rooms taking place at the President’s House (Beit HaNassi), there is a sense of willingness on the part of the parties to reach understandings. I hope that it is precisely from this crisis that we will emerge stronger. There is a possibility of reaching a defining constitutional moment.”
According to President Herzog, the Zionist movement has always had disagreements but knew how to manage them because each group was able to express opinions and give space to minorities. President Herzog thanked Prof. Yedidia Stern, President of JPPI, who initiated and edited the book in collaboration with former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, Prof. Jehuda Reinharz, and Dr. Haim Zicherman. “This book is a working document that will serve us for many years to come,” said President Herzog.