

A new government has taken office in Israel, ending a prolonged political crisis. The Jewish People Policy Institute hastened to submit to it a special executive summary of its 2021 Annual Assessment of the Situation and Dynamics of the Jewish People, to assist in the formulation of informed governmental policy on relevant issues. At a meeting with Minister of Defense Benny Gantz, Amb. Dennis Ross and I presented our recommendations, including a proposal that the Israeli government establish a multidisciplinary task force to combat antisemitism. This task force will monitor the scope of the phenomenon, develop tools for fighting it, establish a comprehensive policy, and develop action initiatives – vis-a-vis foreign governments, Jewish communities, and other relevant parties. This is our responsibility to our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora who are suffering from a rising tide of antisemitism, from extremists on the right as well as the left. The Minister of Defense responded positively to this proposal and we intend to act to implement it.


Justice Miriam Naor, former President of Israel’s Supreme Court and a member of JPPI’s Executive Board, has been appointed to head the state commission of inquiry on the Meron disaster. We wish her much success in this role.


Prof. Yedidia Stern




Don’t Give Up on American Jewry

Dr. Shuki Friedman

 Credit: Ron Adar /


The Jewish Middle

Dan Feferman       

The younger generation of American Jews is no less interested in their Judaism than older generations, but the institutions that served their parents are less relevant for them.

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Anna Kristiana Dave /


Let’s Talk

Prof. Steven Popper

How can different Jewish streams reach shared objectives despite their conflicts over fundamental principles?
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Iran and the Triangular of Relations

Michael Herzog

Israel should focus on quiet dialogue with the Biden administration, while reserving the right to take action against the Iranian nuclear program should diplomacy prove fruitless.

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2020 PEW Survey of US Demography and Jewry in the Context of World Jewry

Prof. Sergio DellaPergola

The ability to maintain a coherent internal dialogue within the American Jewish community, and between American Jews, Israeli Jews and Jews around the world is the major challenge for all analysts and policy planners.

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The View Through Big-Data: An Initial Analysis of

15 Million Tweets by AIPAC and J Street Followers

Noah Slepkov

The developing area of big-data analyses offers an interesting comparative perspective on the Twitter discourse taking place among the followers of AIPAC and J-Street.

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Credit: Twin Design /


Who Holds the ‘Extra Vote’ in Israel’s New Government?

Avi Gil

Embracing the assumption that the status quo will be maintained until we’re ready to accept the decision that we’ve postponed – is a dangerous illusion.

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Credit: Amos Ben Gershom / GPO


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