

This week we marked Tisha B'Av – the national Remembrance Day for the destruction of the last embodiment of Jewish national sovereignty 2,000 years ago. Tradition does not attribute the destruction to geopolitical circumstances or economic crisis, but rather to infighting between brothers – an unyielding ideological struggle between Jewish zealots for the control of a besieged Jerusalem. Also in these times, the main threat to our well-being, as a state and as a people, does not stem from the outside – what others do – but rather from within, how we coexist despite our disagreements. The resilience of the modern State of Israel depends on us.


Prof. Yedidia Stern




The Missed Potential of Tisha B’Av

Dr. Shuki Friedman

 Credit: Amos Ben Gershom / Government Press Office


Is the Future of European Jewry in Danger?

Dr. Dov Maimon   

The Jewish population in Europe can be expected to continue to shrink if existing trends continue: economic deterioration, demographic change, political change, and rising antisemitism.

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Credit: Eryk Stawinski /


Despite the Gloomy Headlines, American Jewry has Grown in Size

Highlights from Prof. Leonard Saxe’s lecture at JPPI (edited by Dan Feferman).
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High Court Gender Segregation Ruling Provides for ‘A Room of Their Own’

Prof. Yedidia Stern

Fundamentalism, whether Haredi or liberal, threatens us all. The High Court did well in rejecting the extreme positions of both the Haredim and those who oppose them.

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How can Israel Convince Gentiles if it Can't Convince Jews? Avi Gil

The desire to restore the resilience of the ‘Triangular Relationship’: Jerusalem-Washington-American Jewry, will sooner or later encounter an obstacle: the Palestinian issue.

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Credit: Ohayon Avi / Government Press Office



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