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Israel-Diaspora Relations

JPPI’s Voice of the Jewish People Index – November 2024

Most respondents assume that when Trump takes office, US-Israel relations will improve.
Israel-Diaspora Relations

Biden’s Sanctions Will Damage the Economy of West Bank Settlements

The damage to the settlement enterprise will not be abated by the signing of a nullification order in Washington.

In His Dreams He Saw an Olive Leaf Next to the Destruction of Israel

This week marked 20 years since the death of Yasser Arafat. In Israel’s national memory, his name is etched in infamy as a bloodthirsty terrorist. Yet, based on my personal acquaintance with the man, I am haunted by a seemingly theoretical question: How would history have remembered Arafat if, upon returning from the signing ceremony of the Oslo Accords on September 13, 1993, he had been assassinated by a Palestinian counterpart of Yigal Amir?

Jew-Hunting Riots in Amsterdam Expose Dangers of Bystander Inaction

By staying silent, these bystanders betray themselves, their communities, and democratic ideals—abandoning Amsterdam’s Israeli and Jewish guests..

Trump and Biden’s influence on Israel:

Amid Netanyahu’s trial, US-Israel relations shift with Trump’s right-wing appointees, raising questions about American influence the impact on regional strategy and hostages.

How Much Influence Will Benjamin Netanyahu Have Over Donald Trump?

In May 2018, President Donald Trump famously pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal. It was the undoing of his predecessor, President Barack Obama‘s, signature foreign policy achievement and the move, as controversial as it was, was explained as the first step needed to achieve a better deal that really stood a chance at stopping Iran’s pursuit of nuclear capability.

Crazy Campaign Plus Catastrophic Candidates Equals Surprisingly Normal Results

Sometimes, in the insane world of American politics, a three-ring circus produces the most predictable and boring results.

How are Ultra-Orthodox Jews Protesting IDF Service if They’re Too Busy Studying Torah?

While demanding that the government function better, shouldn’t the government also reallocate some money funding ultra-Orthodox draft-dodgers to better protect our soldiers?
JPPI’s Voice of the Jewish People Index

JPPI’s Voice of the Jewish People Index

JPPI’s Voice of the Jewish People Index is an ongoing analytic survey conducted among thousands of Jews in the United States who are registered members of a panel assembled under the auspices of the Institute’s Diane and Guilford Glazer Information and Consulting Center.
JPPI’s Voice of the Jewish People Index