Annual Assessments

The Annual Assessment of the Jewish People 2024 | 5784

Project leader: Yaakov Katz
The Annual Assessment of the Jewish People 2024 | 5784

2016 Annual Assessment

Annual Assessment 2016 5776 PROJECT HEAD Dr. Shlomo Fischer CONTRIBUTORS Avinoam Bar-Yosef, Susanne Cohen-Weisz, Rémi Daniel, Chaya Ekstein, Dan Feferman, Avi Gil, Inbal Hakman, Michael Herzog, Simon Luxemburg, David Landes, Dov Maimon, Steven Popper, Uzi Rebhun, Shmuel Rosner, John Ruskay, Noah Slepkov, Shalom Solomon Wald, Einat Wilf EDITORS Barry Geltman Rami Tal

2013-2014 Annual Assessment

2013-2014 Annual Assessment No. 10 PROJECT HEAD Dr. Shlomo Fischer CONTRIBUTORS Avinoam Bar-Yosef, Nadia Ellis, Sylvia Barack Fishman, Avi Gil, Inbal Hakman, Michael Herzog, Antony Korenstein, Dov Maimon, Asaf Nissenbaum, Steven Popper, Shmuel Rosner, David Saks, Noah Slepkov, Shalom Salomon Wald, Einat Wilf EDITORS Barry Geltman Rami Tal We would like to thank Prof. Gideon Shimoni, Prof. Uzi Rebhun, and…

2012-2013 Annual Assessment

Of all JPPI’s many activities and publications, its Annual Assessments are particularly significant. Not only do they provide an invaluable yearly snapshot of the situation and dynamics of the Jewish people, they also present a coherent, comprehensive set of policy recommendations that address current needs and, if properly heeded, could help pave the way forward. Once again, this year’s assessment…

2011-2012 Annual Assessment

The 2011-12 Assessment offers a clear framework for judging the “State of the Jewish People. In what areas are world Jewry and Israel thriving? Where are they “maintaining” or holding at current levels?  And where are they declining. Using five key dimensions—geopolitical developments; demography; identity formation and expression; intra- and inter-community bonds; and material resources—the Assessment analyzes the state of…

2010 Annual Assessment

ANNUAL ASSESSMENT 2010 Executive Report No. 7 Special In-Depth Chapters: Systematic Indicators of Jewish People Trends De-Legitimization and Jewish Youth in the Diaspora The Impact of Political Shifts and Global Economic Developments on the Jewish People PROJECT HEAD Dr. Shlomo Fischer Contributors Avinoam Bar-Yosef, Sylvia Barack Fishman, Barry Geltman, Avi Gil, Inbal Hakman, Michael Herzog, Arielle Kandel, Yogev Karasenty, Judit…

2009 Annual Assessment

The 2009 JPPI Assessment takes a trenchant and wide-ranging look at the implications of the global 6nancial crisis and the “Great Recession” on the Jewish world and Israel. For the 2009 Annual Assessment

2008 Annual Assessment

The 2008 Annual assessment — the fifth annual assessment — follows in the footsteps of its predecessors. Its overview of the preceding year in terms of geo-political, economic, social, and political developments internationally and in the Diaspora and in Israel is well done and insightful. Not surprisingly, it addresses the growth of Iranian leverage in the Middle East, the divisions…

2007 Annual Assessment

The 2007 Annual Assessment

2006 Annual Assessment

The 2006 Annual Assessment is designed to outline and evaluate the state and dynamics of the world Jewry from multiple perspectives and to assess anticipated changes in the future. Its objective is to prepare a comprehensive and multi-dimensional annual overview that is revised to reflect trends and changes in the situation and dynamics affecting the Jewish people. This comprehensive qualitative…